Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Criteria of the Twitter

    • Photosharing
            I.        What is Photosharing?

·         Photosharing is allowed users to upload their images to share with their online friends, or indeed the entire web.

           II.        Why is Photosharing a useful tool?

·         It is because Photosharing tools work as a combination of things. They serve as online storage spaces for photos, with the ability to tag and organize each photo as well as publishing your images to whomever you want.

          III.        When do we use Photosharing?

·         When we want to share photo or information with everyone example Photosharing for Environmental Awareness Raising and Professional networking, for learning and research and video sharing.

          IV.         Limitations of Photosharing.

·         Unwanted Alterations – Once you have published your photos online, you’ve essentially given up control of what happens to them. So it’s very easy for anyone to copy or edit your photo or alter them in any way possible to whomever or wherever they want. Once this happens, you have no recourse. You won’t be able to retrieve those pictures and restore them to their original state.

·         Risk – Regardless of whether you’ve emailed your photos to a single person or posted them on a social networking site, when you share pictures of people, they are subject to alteration and then re-publication by others. This puts you at risk, example they photo-shopped the picture in pornographic ways and re-posted it. It can be almost impossible to then have the photo removed from an Internet site.

·         The Future – It is important to think about future hen posting pictures on the internet. Some people have not been hired for jobs because of the nature of the pictures they have posted on a social networking.

·         Beware of personal information – The personal information allows people to identify who is in the photo or provides clues that could be used to track a person down. It’s important that identifying information is not available for strangers to use to obtain information about anyone in the photos. This is one of the primary ways in which online predators access victims through the internet.

            V.        Benefits of Photosharing.

·         Unlimited Storage and Backup – Most online photo sharing service providers offers unlimited storage. When your photos are stored “in the clouds’ off-site central server, your files are secure and you can consider them backed up. If you accidentally delete photos from your computer or your hard disk crashes, you’ll still have them available to you.

·         Online Editing – Online photo sharing websites not only let users share and store digital photos, but also edit them. Websites like SmugMug have integrated editing tool including ‘Adobe Lightroom’ and ‘Picnik’ to edit your photos. You can crop, apply effects and auto-fix your photos before you share with friends and family.

·         Keep your Photos Organized – It allows you to keep your photo in a systematic and organized manner. You can create albums based on time, events, etc. when you’re ready to share a particular album with someone, all you have to do is send them a link.

·         Privacy and security – Your photos are more secure when they are stored online. You have total control over your photos and can make it public or private and share pictures (or not share) with whoever you want. You can even hide your photos from people and also protect it with passwords.

         VI.        How do we get started with Photosharing?

·         First, visit the main site. Then, think about what you want out of a photosharing. Next, develop a plan for how to use the site and visit the homepage of your chosen site and follow the instructions to join. Once you’re member, you can start uploading your photos and letting people know where to find them example link from your photos to your Twitter account.

       VII.        Where can you find more about Photosharing?

·         Google it or visit the site of photosharing.

    •    Networking 
         I.        What is networking?

·       Networking is setting up a network where you can meet people working in your field of interest.

        II.        Why is networking a useful tool?

·         It is easy to share information continuously. It also useful because they enable productive and relationships to develop between the peoples.

        III.        When do we use networking?

·         When we want to interact with others.

        IV.        Limitations of networking.

·         While networking is a very effective technique one must always be aware of the possibility of indiscretion. Choose your contacts wisely and ensure that you maintain confidentially at all times.

·         Networking can be a waiting game where you have to wait it out patiently for the right opportunity or the right contact to come available. 

         V.        Benefits of networking.

·         Networking is a proactive job search method.

·         Networking is a two way process that can enable you to help others.

·         Networking provides social contact and stimulation.

·          You can be afforded an opportunity not yet advertised therefore reducing the competition significantly.

        VI.        How do we get started with networking?

·         Sign up or register, then fill in the information. 

       VII.        Where can you find more information about networking?

·         Google it.

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